Youth Leadership Coaching
Trafton Internation Consulting Group LLC. is currently working in collaboration with Rainier Valley Leadership Academy which is a chartered community school serving 6th – 12th grades. The school is located on 6020 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle Washington.
We work with black and brown scholars in 9 – 12 grades. We encourage and support scholars to create a roadmap that truly reflect their interest, goals, aspirations and what they want to achieve in building a successful life.
Our purpose is to inspire, empower, and provide the scholars a more level playing field regardless of systemic racism and inequality education. Also, we help them to build a mindset of success so that they can have a shot at a better future in the society.
Youth Coaching:
First, we provide coaching to help scholars with self-awareness, confident, personal responsibility, good social skills, strong relationships, and taking charge of their own roadmap to success in life by reaching their full potential.
Our unique approach provides scholars the chance to live a happy and successful life that is a manifestation of hard work, strengths, beliefs, passion, values, and bold dreams.
Youth Leadership Development:
Second, we help scholars to develop essential leadership skills to include social and emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, collaboration, and relationships to get essential things done and contribute positively to their community.
Creating Opportunities:
Third, we help scholars to have an open mind set to professional and career opportunities that they can explore in building a successful lifestyle. We want the scholars to act now and take massive and deliberate action towards available opportunities that can enhance their lifestyle.